Fight for Change
In the wake of Jack's passing, a group of Jack's family and friends have gotten together to look at what changes are needed around security and detection to help prevent this senseless violence taking place in the future and also around what youth laws need to be reviewed to give Police more power to search suspicious looking youth and also around repeat offenders being dealt with lightly by the justice system.
First Call To Action
Our first call to action was to petition the local and state government to bring in a scanning system at Helensvale tram station, where the train links to the tram line, to help detect any people carrying knives heading into the party precinct.
We have to combat knife crime from every angle; by educating young people about the dangers of knives and by restricting the availability of knives to young people.
The 2 year Police wanding trial in Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach (Safe Night Precincts) commenced in April 2021 and there were 266 weapons seized.
The Premier announced in late 2022 that the wanding trial will continue for a further 2 years and will now be rolled out into all safe night precinct and on all public transport including stations in Queensland and this will be known as “Jack’s Law”.
Police Powers and Responsibilities (Jack’s Law) Amendment Bill 2022
Jack’s Law gives Queensland Police the powers to randomly use handheld scanners without warrant in safe night precincts and on all public transport including stations.
These new laws allow police officers to detect people carrying weapons (including knives) in public and they came into effect on 2 April 2023 (Jacks 21st Birthday) to help combat knife crime across Queensland. Under Jack’s Law police officers will use specific criteria to conduct stop and wand operations in all 15 safe night precincts and on all public transport, including infrastructure associated with the public transport in Queensland.
- Scans are quick, averaging a minute or two and require no physical contact by police.
- Jack’s Law not only detects weapons but deters people from carrying them in the first place.
Fight for Change
Thanks to Jack’s Law, police have taken more than 800 knives and other dangerous weapons off the streets.
Jack’s Law is the result of the dedicated advocacy of the Jack Beasley Foundation in reforming knife crime legislation, in honour of Jack.
Jack’s Law in Queensland is due to be expanded to shopping centres, licensed premises, retail outlets and events
Jack’s Law is a nation-leading legislation that authorises police wanding operations.
In July 2023 Northern Territory introduced a law similar to Queensland’s Police Powers and Responsibilities (Jack’s Law) Amendment Act 2023 to help detect weapons before they are used in offending and better powers to seize and confiscate weapons when found.
On 6 June 2024 Jacks’ Law was passed in New South Wales. Police can now use handheld scanners to detect knives without a warrant in designated areas, including public transport, shopping precincts, sporting venues and public places during special events.
Jack Beasley Foundation have met with Western Australia and Victoria Governments to discuss Jack’s Law.
Western Australia are set to get Australia's toughest knife laws, inspired by Queensland's 'Jack's Law' by the end of 2024. Designated 'Knife Wanding Areas' (KWAs) will be formed to facilitate the knife scans in any public space, such as shopping centres, bus stops, train stations, and sporting or entertainment events.
We will continue to advocate to not only make Queensland safe but make every state and territory in Australia safe.
Through education and change we can all make a difference.
Law Changes
From 1 September 2024 it will be a criminal offence to sell knives and other controlled items to anyone under 18 in Queensland.
Under the new laws, retailers will also be required to securely store particular controlled items such as double-edged knives, axes, machetes, tomahawks, sickles, swords and spears will be required to display signage regarding age-restricted items. In addition, any advertising of knives or controlled items that suggests them ‘suitable for combat’ will be prohibited.
Expanding on the successful and continued roll out of the Jack’s Law, these new laws will help protect the community and further deter knife crime and youth offending. The new laws further support Jack’s Law, the nation-leading legislation that authorises police wanding operations.
Under the new law
- It will be an offence to sell knives and particular controlled items to minors.
- It will be an offence to use false identification to purchase these items.
- It will be an offence to advertise these items as ‘suitable for combat’.
- Retailers will be required to securely store particular controlled items prior to sale.
- Retailers will be required to display signage regarding age restriction for sales.
- New laws will be enforceable from 1 September 2024.
Quotes attributable to Police Minister Mark Ryan
“The passing of these new laws is another plank in the government’s comprehensive strategy to support community safety.
“The new laws will help to keep dangerous items out of the hands of young criminals.
“The new laws will further support the significant impact Jack’s Law is having in getting dangerous items off the streets.
“I want to thank Jack Beasley’s parents Brett and Belinda for continued advocacy in relation to knife crime.
“It was thanks to Brett and Belinda’s relentless efforts that Jack’s Law became a reality.
“And I know that Brett and Belinda are extremely pleased that these new laws have been passed by the parliament.
“The advocacy from Brett and Belinda has been instrumental in putting Queensland on the map as nation-leading in the fight against knife crime.”
Our aim as a Foundation is to make a difference so Jack's legacy lives on, to make our community a safer place for our kids to grow up in and hopefully no other family has to live through the devastation Jack's family is.
Forever in our hearts Jacko